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Top 10 Ways To Improve Communication Skills

November 1, 2021
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Engage Your Audience and Get Your Point Across With These Essential Communication Tips 

Whether in your personal life or business relationships, communication is critical to ensure our intentions are clearly understood. 

As far as face-to-face communication, you already know that tone of voice, eye contact, and facial expressions play a significant role in good communication. You've practiced being a good listener and always keep in mind the words you choose for clear communication. 

However, texting, social media, and emails make it easy for us to be more casual with our non-verbal communication, leading to huge misunderstandings as we miss nonverbal cues that give interactions context. 

Poor communication can have detrimental effects on your career, as well as your relationships with team members and customers. It can also lead to a miscommunication that causes tasks to be done incorrectly or missed altogether.

So how can you improve your communication skills to ensure you can share information, grow your professional network, and build strong relationships? 

Let's look at why effective workplace communication is so important and some easy ways to ensure your communication skills are up to par. 

10 ways to improve communication skills

Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash

The Importance Of Effective Communication

Communication guarantees that workplace operations are running efficiently and get rid of unnecessary problems. And also, from a networking point of view, Connections allow you to benefit from the help you receive from others, and you can also offer support to them when they need it.

Good workplace communication skills help managers understand their employee's skills and talents and allow workers to work collaboratively towards common goals. 

When your communication skills are strong, it will benefit your personal and professional relationships. 

  • Helps Others To Understand You: Clear communication prevents miscommunication and conflict.  
  • Allows You To Better Comprehend Others: Communication is about more than just talking. People with practical communication skills are also great listeners.  
  • Displays Emotional Intelligence: When you can communicate your thoughts well, you instantly gain respect from others.  
  • Build Your Credibility: Effective communicators are viewed as trustworthy. This is especially important in sectors where trust and credibility can make or break relationships.  
  • Cultivates Strong Teamwork: Any team meeting is instantly more effective if the team members have good communication skills. 

Strong communication skills will help you run more effective, productive business meetings and ensure that your peers receive your message. 

Poor communication skills can lead to miscommunications that will have adverse effects on productivity or the work environment. 

So how can you improve your communication skills? Let's find out with 10 ways to improve communication skills. 

Top 10 ways to improve communication skills

No matter what industry you work in, good communication skills go a long way to making the other person feel valued and understood. 

And with so many communication channels available, it's essential to take a deep breath and be mindful of how you communicate with others. 

Here are some ways to become a better communicator during face-to-face and virtual interactions to make your message heard loud and clear. 

Verbal Communication

Face-to-face interactions like phone calls, video conferences, and in-person meetings give you multiple opportunities to communicate with more than just your words. 

Nonverbal cues play a critical role in these communications, so be sure that your facial expressions, tone, and body language send the right message. 

Here are some more ways you can improve your verbal communication skills. 

Practice Active Listening Skills

Communication is a two-way street. To be an effective communicator, you must be an active listener. This means exhibiting behaviors that show the other person that you are listening as much as talking. 

Here are some active listening skills you can practice during conversations. 

  • Give The Speaker All Of Your Attention
  • Keep An Open Mind
  • Respond Appropriately 
  • Nod Your Head Or Give Verbal Cues To Show You Are Listening 

When you are perceived as a good listener, others will be more receptive to your communication. 

Consider Your Audience And Setting

Effective communication means knowing your audience and environment. Think about it: you'd address your supervisor during a business meeting differently than a familiar coworker at an industry cocktail party. 

Always make sure your tone and word choice match who you are speaking to. For example, you may want to be more formal with potential clients or your boss, so avoid casual language. 

Also, be mindful of where you are. Business meetings will require a more professional approach than a team lunch meeting. 

Harness The Power Of Body Language 

Whether via video conference or face-to-face, your body language speaks just as much as your words. 

Body language involves your expressions, mannerisms, and behaviors that communicate your thoughts and feelings nonverbal. Most of the time, these habits are automatic and not necessarily intentional. 

However, with a bit of effort, you can control your body language to ensure you are appropriately communicating your thoughts and maintaining the correct tone. 

Take a look at some Dos and Don'ts of body language communication. 

Don’t ...

  • Cross Your Arms 
  • Slouch In Your Seat 
  • Fidget With A Pen
  • Pick At Your Clothing 
  • Doodle On Your Paper 
  • Use Your Phone Or Surf The Web

Do ...

  • Sit Up Straight 
  • Make Eye Contact 
  • Be Mindful Of Your Facial Expressions 
  • Give Your Undivided Attention 
  • Smile When Appropriate 
  • Nod Your Head 

It's important to remember that body language enhances the other person's understanding of what you are trying to say. It also provides a barometer for others to gauge our reactions to their communication. 

Always be aware of your body language, and you will accurately get your point across each time. Take Notes 

It's impossible to remember every detail communicated in a meeting. Maintain a dedicated notepad or notebook that you use at each meeting to jot down important dates, assignments, and information. 

This makes it easy to look back to confirm your to-do list or ensure you are meeting all of your deadlines

Even more, you may be able to answer questions for someone who wasn't paying as close attention as you, making you appear organized and trustworthy. 

Taking notes also demonstrates that you are taking the meeting seriously and value the other person's time. 

Online Communication

Online communication can be tricky. We've all been on the receiving end of an email, text message, or social media post that comes across as rude or insensitive. 

It's entirely possible the person didn't intend to offend, but unfortunately, they didn't use their online communication skills before they hit send. 

Due to the absence of critical indicators like facial expressions, vocal tone, and body language, it's easy to send the wrong signals and end up with a miscommunication nightmare. 

Here are some ways you can communicate effectively through the screen. 

Double Check Before Hitting Send 

Even with so many spell check and grammar checker apps, it's easy to make mistakes that get overlooked. 

Double-check everything you write to ensure your words have the intended effect. Use a thesaurus for repetitive words and make sure your spell checker didn't miss any commonly confused words. 

Have a team member or other trusted peer-review your email for errors and appropriate tone for an extra layer of protection. They will be able to lend a fresh set of eyes and ensure your message comes across correctly. 

Be Mindful What You Put In Writing 

Always take a moment for a deep breath and pause before you respond. Miscommunications can cause heightened emotions that may cause you to say things you cannot take back. 

Be conscious of what you say and how you say it in an email. Not only may your message get lost in translation, but it will be on record permanently. This will help you avoid embarrassment and conflict. To maintain the authenticity of your written communications, utilizing an AI Content Detector can help ensure your content remains original and resonates with your audience.

Know When To Pick Up The Phone 

Online communication is excellent, but sometimes it's easier to make a quick phone call. Lengthy emails may get overlooked during busy times of the day, making your communication efforts ineffective. 

If you have a lot to say, sensitive topics to discuss, or essential information that needs immediate attention, pick up the phone and speak directly to others. 

This will limit the potential for miscommunication and show that you are serious about effective communication. 

Maintain A Positive Attitude

When you look on the bright side, your positive attitude will come through on all of your correspondence. Other people will positively respond if you set the tone. Even in intense situations, remember to be positive.  No benefit will come from being hostile. That will cause the other person to shut down, and no progress will be made. 

Develop Effective Communication Skills To Advance Your Career 

Communication is a learnable skill. Even the most seasoned professionals have room to grow when it comes to effective communication. 

Always make sure your communication is concise and to the point. Practice being brief vocally and in writing. 

And remember: practical communication skills take time to develop, so continue practicing and learning from your mistakes. Use these tips to identify which communication skills need work and focus on improving them. 

As you enhance your communication skills, with 10 ways to improve communication skills

you'll see others perceive you differently, and your goals become more attainable. 

In any case... here are some other brief tips on how to improve your interpersonal skills:

  • Try to maintain a positive outlook.
  • Control your emotional reactions.
  • Value other people's expertise.
  • Show genuine interest in coworkers.
  • Spotlight positive traits in others.
  • Practice active listening.
  • Communicate with confidence.
  • Exercise empathy.


What is a digital business card? 

A digital business card is a shareable file that acts like a traditional business card but allows you to include more personalized and valuable content, improving your personal branding

Which app is the best for designing a digital business card? 

The best app to create a QR Code business card is KADO Networks. Not only can you make a card, but the app will allow you to scan paper business cards and track your networking efforts. 

What does the future of networking look like for professionals? 

The future of networking for professionals involves dedicated networking apps, customized meetups, and AI-driven networking experiences. 

Questions Fréquemment Posées

Si vous avez des doutes, ne vous inquiétez pas. Nous sommes là pour tout vous expliquer. Laissez-nous vous aider !

  • Une carte de visite virtuelle est un moyen moderne et innovant de partager vos coordonnées instantanément via des QR codes, la technologie NFC ou un simple lien. Contrairement aux cartes papier, une carte de visite virtuelle vous permet de mettre à jour vos informations en temps réel, d’ajouter des éléments interactifs et de réduire votre impact environnemental.

  • Votre carte de visite virtuelle peut contenir votre nom complet, votre poste, le nom de votre entreprise ainsi que vos coordonnées essentielles telles que votre adresse e-mail et votre numéro de téléphone. Vous pouvez également ajouter des liens vers vos réseaux sociaux, des canaux de communication comme WhatsApp ou Calendly, des boutons personnalisés et même du contenu vidéo. Avec KADO, vous pouvez personnaliser entièrement votre carte, y compris les couleurs, les logos et l’image de marque de votre entreprise.

  • Oui ! KADO propose une version gratuite qui vous permet de concevoir votre carte, d’ajouter des liens et de la partager facilement en ligne. Le plan gratuit inclut les fonctionnalités essentielles, tandis que les options avancées de personnalisation, telles que les thèmes de couleurs et les intégrations premium, sont disponibles avec les formules payantes. Vous pouvez créer votre carte de visite virtuelle gratuitement ici.

  • Chaque carte de visite virtuelle KADO comprend automatiquement un QR code qui peut être scanné pour partager instantanément vos informations. Vous pouvez retrouver votre QR code dans l’application sous l’onglet "Échange" ou via votre profil en ligne. Pour en savoir plus sur la création d’une carte de visite avec un QR code, visitez notre site.

  • Il existe de nombreuses options, mais KADO se distingue par ses fonctionnalités uniques et ses capacités adaptées aux entreprises :

    • Elle prend en charge les vidéos, les boutons personnalisés et les liens, même dans la version gratuite.
    • Elle s’intègre nativement avec HubSpot, Salesforce et Microsoft Dynamics pour une gestion efficace des contacts.
    • Elle permet une personnalisation complète du design, incluant les couleurs, les logos et le branding d’entreprise.
    • Elle est conçue pour les entreprises, offrant une sécurité avancée, un contrôle d’accès basé sur les rôles et un tableau de bord administratif pour gérer les cartes de visite virtuelles de toute l’équipe.

  • Absolument. KADO accorde la priorité à la sécurité en utilisant un stockage cloud crypté, un contrôle d’accès basé sur les rôles et l’élimination des IP publiques susceptibles d’exposer vos données. De plus, KADO respecte les normes de sécurité les plus strictes, notamment SOC 2 et GDPR, garantissant la protection de vos informations personnelles et professionnelles à tout moment.

  • Oui ! KADO est conçu pour s’adapter aux entreprises de toutes tailles et propose des solutions adaptées aux équipes de travail. Il permet une gestion centralisée des contacts, la distribution des cartes dans l’ensemble de l’entreprise et des autorisations basées sur les rôles pour garantir la protection des données sensibles. Les administrateurs peuvent également gérer les cartes de visite virtuelles à partir d’un tableau de bord intuitif.

  • KADO propose des cartes de visite virtuelles compatibles NFC, qui permettent de partager instantanément vos coordonnées en approchant simplement la carte d’un smartphone compatible. Contrairement aux cartes traditionnelles, elles éliminent le besoin de scanner des QR codes ou de saisir manuellement les informations de contact. Vous pouvez demander votre carte de visite NFC directement sur notre site web.

  • Non, KADO fonctionne parfaitement sur les navigateurs mobiles et de bureau, vous permettant de partager votre carte sans télécharger d’application. Cependant, pour plus de fonctionnalités, KADO propose également une application mobile qui vous permet de stocker votre carte dans un portefeuille numérique, d’accéder rapidement à votre QR code et de partager votre carte même hors ligne.

  • Vous pouvez partager votre carte de visite virtuelle KADO de différentes manières, facilitant ainsi la connexion avec d’autres personnes. Les méthodes les plus courantes incluent l’affichage de votre QR code pour qu’il soit scanné, le partage de votre lien unique par e-mail ou message, ou l’utilisation d’une carte NFC. Le meilleur atout est que votre destinataire n’a pas besoin d’une application pour recevoir ou enregistrer vos coordonnées.

  • Oui, KADO propose des intégrations avec des CRM pour améliorer votre flux de travail. Les intégrations CRM de KADO incluent HubSpot, Salesforce et Microsoft Dynamics, ce qui permet de synchroniser automatiquement les contacts et de suivre les interactions. De plus, KADO est compatible avec Zapier, permettant une intégration avec plus de 100 autres outils.

  • Oui ! Si vous avez enregistré vos cartes de visite virtuelles dans votre portefeuille mobile ou sous forme de widgets sur votre appareil, vous pourrez toujours partager vos coordonnées via QR code même sans connexion Internet. Cela vous permet d’être toujours prêt pour le networking, que ce soit lors d’un événement, dans un avion ou dans une zone sans réseau.

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