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Networking, Client relationships

5 Pro Tips on How To Grow Your Network

September 21, 2021
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Building a strong professional network is essential for career growth and success. Whether you're looking to land a new job, expand your business connections, or seek mentorship opportunities, networking plays a crucial role in achieving your goals. But where do you start? In this guide, we'll explore the importance of networking, along with five pro tips to help you grow your network effectively.

Use These Strategies To Bring Your Professional Network To The Next Level 

Networking plays a pivotal role in the success of your career. But it’s so easy to overlook it as you work hard to establish yourself as a professional in your field.  If you’ve been in your field for some time, you probably have naturally cultivated a professional network with minimal effort. You’ve collected some business cards, exchanged a few friendly emails, and maybe even offered a favor to an acquaintance in need. However, in order to continue down your professional pathway, you need to make the right connections. These essential contacts will open new doors to amazing opportunities. So it’s time to establish a strong professional network. 

But where do you start? 

It can be overwhelming deciding where to begin growing your network and professional networking skills. However, it’s crucial to continuously grow your professional network. You’ll need to master the art of the networking meetup and learn how to pursue new connections that will benefit your career in the long run. 

Let’s take a look at why networking is so important, how you can grow your professional network, and things to avoid as you work towards expanding your list of contacts. 

Why Is It Important To Network?

By forming and maintaining a professional relationship, you gain access to job opportunities that you may now have stumbled upon on your own. Many professionals ask themselves constantly how to network effectively, in order to know how to grow your network you must learn the importance of networking.

Your professional network has the ability to offer insight into different fields, what potential employers are looking for, and how you can improve your skill set. 

A single professional contact could help you gain access to a meeting or interview for new jobs with multiple companies, rather than you having to network and form new connections with each individual company. 

It can even help you obtain essential referrals and face-to-face interactions with industry leaders. These perks are well worth the effort it takes to build a robust professional network. 

When you network effectively, you save effort, time, and stress. Knowing how to wield the power of the professional network is a powerful tool that can aid in your professional development and your reputation in your industry. 

How To Grow Your Network Online

An online professional network is critical for career advancement and access to lucrative job opportunities in today’s job market. It’s also convenient and easy to do. Here are some strategies to grow your network online:

Man over the phone with his laptop and a coffee

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

How To Grow Your Network

Even though many professionals still prefer to meet face-to-face, you cannot ignore the power of online networking. Building your network virtually is convenient, effective, and an excellent opportunity to expand your horizons.  

Let’s take a look at five ways you can grow your professional network in any setting. 

5 Ways on How to Grow Your Network

Much like social networking, the goal of a professional network is to build relationships that will be mutually beneficial to all involved. Your priority should always be the person and the relationship you build with them. 

But it’s not easy to step out of your comfort zone to network when you don’t know anyone and tackle all networking opportunities you come across. You’ll need some advice from networking experts to start on the right foot. 

Here are five pro networking tips you can use today to help grow your professional network

1. Attend Both Online And In-Person Networking Events

Each industry hosts networking events that offer excellent networking opportunities. These trade shows and conferences may take place online or in person. No matter where they are set, plan on taking advantage of these events to build your network. 

In-person networking opportunities will allow you to make new contacts with other attendees. Try frequenting places the people who want to connect with spend their time. Popular lunch spots, industry happy jours, and charity events are good places to start.

2. Give More Than You Take 

When building a relationship, it’s essential to make sure it isn’t always about you. Helping others will pay off in the long rug and give them an incentive to return the favor. 

Share your expertise and industry knowledge whenever you see the opportunity. This will help you reach your long-term networking goals and strengthen the bond you have with your contacts. 

The most important takeaway from this tip is not to be selfish and always think about how you can help your new contacts. 

Similarly, if you notice that you are always giving to a new connection, but they never reciprocate, it’s a good indicator that this professional contact isn’t worth your time.


3. Set Up Connections To Become Long-Term Relationships 

Exchanging business cards is just the first step in building relationships and meaningful connections. Focus on creating long-term relationships that will offer benefits to both parties. 

Always make a conscious effort to offer assistance to your professional connections. Don’t stop at asking about their professional life. Ask your contacts about their interests, history, and family. 

You’d be surprised how meaningful it is to the other person when you ask about their pet or hobby during a follow-up conversation. So as you gather business cards, be sure to immediately make notes on key details that will be helpful during follow-ups. 

4. Always Ask For What You Want

You’ll never get what you don’t ask for. Many blossoming networkers shy away from being direct about what they want. 

If you are looking for an introduction, a meeting with a recruiter, or advice from a seasoned pro, go ahead and ask for it. Use a friendly tone and clear language to ensure the other party knows what you are looking for. 

The worst thing that will happen is they turn you down. Then you’re just right where you started, except you know that contact does not need constant pursuing. Go ahead and continue working down your list of professional contacts until you get what you want. 

5. Follow Up With Every Connection You Make 

Whether you make LinkedIn connections or in-person contacts, always take the time to follow up with every single new connection you make. After a networking meetup, take the time to sort through the contact information you received and follow up via email the next day. Let them know it was a pleasure to meet them, include a small detail from your conversation to refresh their memory and ask them to reach out to you if they ever need help. 

Be sure to always follow through with your promises and commitments. Nothing will ruin a connection more than flaking on your obligations. 

Business women sitting around a table

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Common Professional Networking Mistakes To Avoid

Professional networking is a time-consuming but essential way to enhance your business and career. 

However, even successful entrepreneurs make common missteps as they grow their professional network, resulting in missed opportunities and spoiled connections.

Here are some things to avoid when networking professionally. 

  • Don’t Take Advantage Of Your Contacts: No one likes to feel used. Always thank each connection and offer to reciprocate any favors you receive. 
  • Don’t Be Unprepared: Treat all networking opportunities like a job interview. Practice your elevator pitch and plan answers to common networking questions that may arise. 
  • Don’t Forget Your Business Cards: Business cards are the gold standard for swapping contact information. Prevent being caught unprepared by creating a digital business card that you can share instantly with new contacts. 
  • Don’t Monopolize Someone’s Time: When working the room, always be conscious of others waiting to talk to your new connection—practice ending a conversation gracefully and set a goal to interact with a specific number of attendees. 
  • Don’t Lie To Impress Someone: It’s tempting to stretch the truth to get your way, but lies have a way of being exposed. Never lie, and you’ll never need to worry about getting caught. 

Once you’ve mastered the art of professional networking, you’ll be well on your way to building your network. Always put people first and be ready to lend a helping hand. 

Business Networking is not just about making connections; it's about cultivating relationships that can help you achieve your professional goals. By leveraging the strategies outlined in this guide, you can take your professional network to the next level and unlock new opportunities for growth and success. Start implementing these pro tips on how to grow your network today and watch your network flourish.


What should I bring to my next networking event? 

As you prepare for your next networking event, you should always bring a digital business card, a way to take notes, and a positive can-do attitude. 

What are the different types of networking events? 

Three types of networking events are industry-specific conferences, happy hour events, and fundraising/charity events. 

How can I optimize my LinkedIn profile? 

Optimize your LinkedIn profile by choosing a professional photo, changing your headline to reveal more than your job title, and listing your relevant skill sets. 

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  • Une carte de visite virtuelle est un moyen moderne et innovant de partager vos coordonnées instantanément via des QR codes, la technologie NFC ou un simple lien. Contrairement aux cartes papier, une carte de visite virtuelle vous permet de mettre à jour vos informations en temps réel, d’ajouter des éléments interactifs et de réduire votre impact environnemental.

  • Votre carte de visite virtuelle peut contenir votre nom complet, votre poste, le nom de votre entreprise ainsi que vos coordonnées essentielles telles que votre adresse e-mail et votre numéro de téléphone. Vous pouvez également ajouter des liens vers vos réseaux sociaux, des canaux de communication comme WhatsApp ou Calendly, des boutons personnalisés et même du contenu vidéo. Avec KADO, vous pouvez personnaliser entièrement votre carte, y compris les couleurs, les logos et l’image de marque de votre entreprise.

  • Oui ! KADO propose une version gratuite qui vous permet de concevoir votre carte, d’ajouter des liens et de la partager facilement en ligne. Le plan gratuit inclut les fonctionnalités essentielles, tandis que les options avancées de personnalisation, telles que les thèmes de couleurs et les intégrations premium, sont disponibles avec les formules payantes. Vous pouvez créer votre carte de visite virtuelle gratuitement ici.

  • Chaque carte de visite virtuelle KADO comprend automatiquement un QR code qui peut être scanné pour partager instantanément vos informations. Vous pouvez retrouver votre QR code dans l’application sous l’onglet "Échange" ou via votre profil en ligne. Pour en savoir plus sur la création d’une carte de visite avec un QR code, visitez notre site.

  • Il existe de nombreuses options, mais KADO se distingue par ses fonctionnalités uniques et ses capacités adaptées aux entreprises :

    • Elle prend en charge les vidéos, les boutons personnalisés et les liens, même dans la version gratuite.
    • Elle s’intègre nativement avec HubSpot, Salesforce et Microsoft Dynamics pour une gestion efficace des contacts.
    • Elle permet une personnalisation complète du design, incluant les couleurs, les logos et le branding d’entreprise.
    • Elle est conçue pour les entreprises, offrant une sécurité avancée, un contrôle d’accès basé sur les rôles et un tableau de bord administratif pour gérer les cartes de visite virtuelles de toute l’équipe.

  • Absolument. KADO accorde la priorité à la sécurité en utilisant un stockage cloud crypté, un contrôle d’accès basé sur les rôles et l’élimination des IP publiques susceptibles d’exposer vos données. De plus, KADO respecte les normes de sécurité les plus strictes, notamment SOC 2 et GDPR, garantissant la protection de vos informations personnelles et professionnelles à tout moment.

  • Oui ! KADO est conçu pour s’adapter aux entreprises de toutes tailles et propose des solutions adaptées aux équipes de travail. Il permet une gestion centralisée des contacts, la distribution des cartes dans l’ensemble de l’entreprise et des autorisations basées sur les rôles pour garantir la protection des données sensibles. Les administrateurs peuvent également gérer les cartes de visite virtuelles à partir d’un tableau de bord intuitif.

  • KADO propose des cartes de visite virtuelles compatibles NFC, qui permettent de partager instantanément vos coordonnées en approchant simplement la carte d’un smartphone compatible. Contrairement aux cartes traditionnelles, elles éliminent le besoin de scanner des QR codes ou de saisir manuellement les informations de contact. Vous pouvez demander votre carte de visite NFC directement sur notre site web.

  • Non, KADO fonctionne parfaitement sur les navigateurs mobiles et de bureau, vous permettant de partager votre carte sans télécharger d’application. Cependant, pour plus de fonctionnalités, KADO propose également une application mobile qui vous permet de stocker votre carte dans un portefeuille numérique, d’accéder rapidement à votre QR code et de partager votre carte même hors ligne.

  • Vous pouvez partager votre carte de visite virtuelle KADO de différentes manières, facilitant ainsi la connexion avec d’autres personnes. Les méthodes les plus courantes incluent l’affichage de votre QR code pour qu’il soit scanné, le partage de votre lien unique par e-mail ou message, ou l’utilisation d’une carte NFC. Le meilleur atout est que votre destinataire n’a pas besoin d’une application pour recevoir ou enregistrer vos coordonnées.

  • Oui, KADO propose des intégrations avec des CRM pour améliorer votre flux de travail. Les intégrations CRM de KADO incluent HubSpot, Salesforce et Microsoft Dynamics, ce qui permet de synchroniser automatiquement les contacts et de suivre les interactions. De plus, KADO est compatible avec Zapier, permettant une intégration avec plus de 100 autres outils.

  • Oui ! Si vous avez enregistré vos cartes de visite virtuelles dans votre portefeuille mobile ou sous forme de widgets sur votre appareil, vous pourrez toujours partager vos coordonnées via QR code même sans connexion Internet. Cela vous permet d’être toujours prêt pour le networking, que ce soit lors d’un événement, dans un avion ou dans une zone sans réseau.

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