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Professionalism , Resume, Skills

Expert Advice: How Many Skills Should You Really List on Your Resume?

June 16, 2024
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Let’s start with talking about the different types of resumes, for one might think that a resume is just a pdf file with a list of qualifications and jobs someone has. Basically, if you’re aiming to list work experience (in reverse chronological order) you should go for a Chronological Resume, it will allow you to brag about your solid work history. On the other hand, if what you’re looking for is to focus on skills and experiences (not specifically in a chronological order), then you should prefer a Functional Resume, ideal for people whose changing careers or is in a gap of employment. Finally, we can identify the third type of resume as Combination Resume, merges elements of both types mentioned before, ideal for people with a variety of experiences and skills.


Sometimes, people take for granted the relevance of resumes. It is known that, in a professional’s life, resumes play a crucial role in job seeking because it works as a tool to showcase skills and experiences of potential workers. Resumes give first impressions and summarize your essential qualifications. It reflects your career progression and enhances networking.  Let’s not get too attached with the job seeker sides and remember that resumes also help employers make decisions.


Resumes are a crucial element in the job search process, serving as a comprehensive document that markets your skills and experience to potential employers. They help create a positive first impression, guide interviews, and facilitate career progression. Keeping your resume updated and tailored to each job application can significantly enhance your job search success.

Which is the exact number of skills to include?

This question opens the debate about the exact number of skills one should include on the resume, because many people might think exploiting the file with skills (some of which are unnecessary sometimes) it’s annoying. Therefore, the optimal number will depend on the position you are applying too. Let’s see an example:


Example for a Marketing Position:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • Social Media Management
  • Google Analytics
  • Email Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Campaign Management

marketing skills

Being Marketing one of the most demanded positions in the actual times, we chose it as a template. An optimal number, to consider your resume “Reading friendly” and complete, would be from 8-10 skills listed (some people say senior-level candidates should list up from 10 to 15 skills). Nevertheless, for some other jobs that require more technical and specific skills and experiences, aim to include a concise list of 6-15 skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Focus on quality over quantity, ensuring each skill adds value and aligns with the job description. By tailoring your skills to each application and balancing technical (software, tools, or specific methodologies) and soft skills (communication, teamwork, or problem-solving) you can create a compelling resume that stands out to potential employers.

 Try to keep it direct and check that the skills are fundamental and suitable for the job you’re looking for, make sure to match the keywords with the job description.

Don’t forget these musts in your resume!

Never forget to prioritize your skills, from most relevant to the least relevant or mor basic ones. You must include:

  • Contact Information: Name, phone number, email address, and, why not, add your LinkedIn profile.
  •   Professional Summary or Objective: Highlight your essential qualifications and professional goals.
  • Work Experience: Job history, including company names, locations, job titles, and dates of employment.
  • Education: Brag about your essential knowledge, highlight institutions and degree’s.  
  • Skills: Keep them relevant and influential.
  • Certifications and Awards: Include any additional certifications, licenses, or awards.

Some tips to have in mind

Always have in mind that, in resumes, quality will always be better than quantity. In this case, the relevance of your skills will always defeat the number of skills you have, that’s why one should always apply for a job that aligns better with one’s abilities and strengths.

On the contrary, it would be overwhelming to the reader and employer to read too many things (that sometimes make no sense) and this will dilute the impact and impression of the image you are aiming to portray.


Normally, in the professional summary at the top of your resume, one is supposed to list the skills and experiences in a paragraph, with a proper and convincing writing. In here, you should incorporate the experiences, but this time make it detailed and explain how you applied them in the professional context and real-life situations.


Professional summary


Different types of skills in a resume based on industry or user role

As you should imagine, there are specific skills and qualifications according to the variety of industries of the markets. Here are some concrete examples with it’s types of skills:


Technology and IT

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++, SQL, JavaScript
  • Frameworks and Libraries: React, Angular, Node.js, Django
  • Software Development: Agile, Scrum, DevOps, Git
  • Systems Administration: Linux/Unix, Windows Server, Network Security
  • Database Management: Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB
  • Cloud Computing: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud

Soft Skills

Finance and Accounting

Technical Skills

  • Accounting Software: QuickBooks, SAP, Oracle Financials
  • Financial Analysis: Financial modeling, forecasting, budgeting
  • Compliance: GAAP, IFRS, SOX compliance
  • Tax Preparation: Knowledge of tax laws and filing processes
  • Auditing: Internal and external auditing practices

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail: Ensuring accuracy in financial reports
  • Analytical Thinking: Interpreting complex financial data
  • Time Management: Meeting reporting deadlines
  • Ethical Judgment: Maintaining integrity and confidentiality

Healthcare and Medical

Technical Skills

  • Medical Procedures: Clinical skills specific to your field (e.g., phlebotomy, radiology)
  • Patient Care: Patient assessment, treatment planning
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR): EPIC, Cerner, Meditech
  • Medical Terminology: Knowledge of terms relevant to your specialization
  • Regulatory Compliance: HIPAA, JCAHO standards

Soft Skills

  • Empathy: Providing compassionate patient care
  • Communication: Interacting effectively with patients and healthcare teams
  • Problem-Solving: Diagnosing and treating medical conditions
  • Attention to Detail: Accurate record-keeping and medication administration



Technical Skills

  • CAD Software: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, CATIA
  • Project Management: MS Project, Primavera
  • Industry-Specific Knowledge: Electrical circuits, mechanical systems, civil engineering principles
  • Testing and Analysis: FEA, CFD, Six Sigma
  • Programming: MATLAB, Simulink, Python

Soft Skills

  • Critical Thinking: Solving complex engineering problems
  • Team Collaboration: Working effectively in multidisciplinary teams
  • Communication: Technical writing and reporting
  • Innovation: Developing new technologies or improving existing ones


Creative and Design

Technical Skills

  • Graphic Design: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Web Design: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UX/UI design
  • Video Production: Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, After Effects
  • Animation: 2D/3D animation, Blender, Maya
  • Photography: Photo editing, lighting techniques

Soft Skills

  • Creativity: Developing unique designs and concepts
  • Attention to Detail: Ensuring design accuracy and quality
  • Time Management: Meeting project deadlines
  • Communication: Presenting ideas to clients and stakeholders

Since the beginning of industries and job seeking, impressions had always matter. Being able to show the impact and changes you can contribute to a business will always be the key determinator of whether you get the position you’re looking for or not. Therefore, one should always keep the little details that make a resume worth reading in mind. Such details include types of resumes, types of skills, number of skills one should list, types of skills regarding the industry you are aiming to work in. Remember to always portray the best possible professional image of yourself. Best of lucks entering or overcoming yourself in the professional world!

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