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Designing Effective Business Cards for Realtors Networking Events

October 11, 2021
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With the real estate industry thriving, realtors work overtime to build their businesses and secure new clients. Real estate professionals know that they need to build relationships to get ahead. The best way to accomplish all of these objectives is to amp up your networking efforts, as well as embracing social media real estate marketing.  Real estate agents must network with potential clients, lenders, and real estate investors to identify the high-quality leads that will bring in business. 

Plus, by building your pool of potential clients and colleagues, your work is already half done! So, how do you network at real estate networking events? Is that the only place a real estate agent can network effectively? Real estate professionals know the importance of making a lasting impression on real estate networking events. In a business where face-to-face connections matter, your business card is your first touchpoint.

Let’s look at who attends these real estate networking events, what buyers are looking for in an agent, where to find the best networking opportunities for real estate agents to grow their network, why having quality business cards is important and business card requirements for business cards for realtors.

Real estate referral network

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Who Attends Real Estate Networking Events?

At its core, networking involves sharing ideas, best practices, and information as you work towards building mutually beneficial relationships. 

It’s an excellent opportunity to find ways to lend a hand to a fellow real estate agent while learning something new in the process. 

Real estate agents aren’t the only ones who attend real estate networking events. You’ll find all sorts of entrepreneurs and prospective buyers at any given real estate networking events. 

  • First Time Home Buyers 
  • Real Estate Investors 
  • Established Real Estate Groups 
  • Start-Up Real Estate Agencies 
  • Real Estate Marketing Experts 

Because there are so many different people attending these networking events, it’s crucial to capitalize on the opportunity by exercising your networking skills. 

Before attending a networking meetup, review the guestlist for upcoming events to know your networking targets. Always be prepared to share your contact information with a digital business card. 

What Are Buyers Looking For From Real Estate Agents During Events?

When you attend real estate networking events where you will network with potential real estate clients, it’s essential to put your best foot forward and show them exactly who you are. 

As home buyers and real estate investors look for the right agent, they value several qualities above the rest, including. 

  • People Skills: Your client wants to feel at ease with their agents. But friendliness goes beyond just being nice. Show interest in them as human beings, and that personal connection will carry you far. 
  • Knowledge Of Technology: Buyers want an agent who’s connected. They want to see a social media presence and a well-designed website. Be prepared to schedule showings virtually and offer text communication in addition to phone calls and emails.
  • No Pressure: Modern buyers aren’t interested in a hard sell or being pressured into a sale. They want a real estate professional who will guide them through decision-making without rushing them through the sale. 
  • Local Expertise: While being tech-savvy is essential, buyers want to feel their agent is accessible and knowledgeable with their area of interest. Communicate that you are available and know their target area, and surrounding towns, very well. 

Real estate buyers don’t just want you to represent them in the purchase process; they want an ally who can guide them through the process and act in their best interest. 

The more you demonstrate that you are in the real estate business for the people, not the profit, the more clients you will attract. 

Let’s take a look at the best places to find real estate networking opportunities. 

Best Places To Find Real Estate Networking Opportunities 

While many picture a formal event like a conference or trade show, networking opportunities don’t just happen at big industry events. Any place where you can build relationships with other people is a place where you can grow your personal and professional network. However, some places are more beneficial for real estate agents, as they put you in close proximity to individuals who can help further your career and reputation. 

Here are the best places for real estate agents to network and form valuable connections. 

1. Join Local Area Real Estate Associations

If you’re looking to meet other realtors, mortgage brokers, and real estate investors, joining a local real estate association is a great place to start. 

State, local, and the national association of realtors chapters are great resources for professional development and networking events. Also, consider connecting with your Local Real Estate Investors Association, or REIA, to find valuable networking opportunities associated with the real estate industry. 

Some association events are free, while others require payment to attend. Either way, you’ll be immersed in a pool of like-minded professionals with endless networking possibilities at hand. 

2. Get Involved In Community Events 

Connect with your local chamber of commerce to find dedicated networking opportunities. As well as community events that allow you to connect directly with residents in your area. 

When you get involved in your community, you instantly become more visible. Attend local farmer’s markets, volunteer to support community theater productions, or even bring a dish to a neighborhood block party. 

Remember that networking is all about building relationships. So when you demonstrate that you are a proud member of the community, you’ll have a better shot at finding qualified leads. You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of the area, which demonstrates trustworthiness to clients. 

3. Participate In Real Estate Webinars And Professional Development

Even the most seasoned real estate professionals can benefit from furthering their knowledge. 

Attend webinars on topics that will help you better serve your clients. Pay close attention to the guest list and research the participants on social media. 

This is a great way to expand your LinkedIn network and identify promising connections. It also helps to build your online presence, which improves your credibility with potential clients and connections. 

Create a virtual business card that will allow you to share your contact information during an online event or on Linked In to increase networking possibilities. 

You can also share your digital business card here and show that you have your eyes towards the future of networking. 

4. Branch Out To Events For Related Industries

While networking with other real estate professionals is key to advancing your career, don’t forget to look for connections in related fields. 

Attend trade shows that gather a variety of professionals in one place. Look for networking opportunities with professionals from fields that can benefit your own real estate business. 

  • Contractors
  • Building Supply Wholesalers
  • Photographers
  • Home Inspectors
  • Landscapers

These professionals from related industries will help round out your professional network and generate leads. Not only that, when your client needs services from someone you can trust, you’ll be prepared with that information. 

A mother playing with her kids at home

Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash

Real Estate Networking Event Best Practices

The real estate industry is about more than buying and selling properties. It’s about building solid relationships with people who can support you as you support them. No matter where you find your networking opportunities, it’s important that you always put your best foot forward as you step out of your comfort zone. 

Here are some ways you can ensure your networking efforts are effective each and every time. 

real estate best practices and how it helps -  business cards for realtors

When you focus on forming strong local relationships, you’re well on your way to building an authentic network that brings leads right to your doorstep. That is we have found your ultimate solution for business cards for realtors.

Why having quality business cards important 

Quality business cards for realtors aren't just about displaying contact information; they represent your professionalism and brand identity. They play a pivotal role in building trust and credibility with prospective buyers and sellers. Every detail, from typography to design elements, must align with your desired perception in the market.

By prioritizing the quality and effectiveness of your business cards, you enhance your chances of standing out among competitors and attracting clients. With the right design and messaging, your business card becomes more than just a piece of paper—it becomes a powerful tool for generating leads and closing deals in the competitive real estate landscape.

Business Card Requirements - Business Cards For Realtors

  • Professional Headshot: Include an updated corporate headshot to enhance your professionalism and help prospects connect a face to your name. Choose a welcoming and trustworthy photo that complements your business card's color palette.
  • Validation: Communicate your legitimacy by including your license information on your business card. Include your full license name, license number, and specify your specialty in real estate, such as Real Estate Broker or Realtor.
  • Contact Details: Provide precise and clear contact details as the focal point of your business card. Include your phone number, email, and social media channels for accessibility. Consider adding a custom QR code for immediate contact.
  • Logo and Associations: Feature a Professional Realtor's Logo or association seal to further convey your legitimacy and personal branding. Design a logo based on your name and relevant icons, or include the logo of the association you belong to.
  • Eye-Catching Designs: Design the business card for realtors to make a lasting first impression while maintaining professionalism. Choose clean, professional designs that align with your brand and personality. KADO’s digital business cards offer customizable templates to elevate your brand without sacrificing professionalism.

Grow Your Professional Network To Grow Your Real Estate Career

As a real estate professional, your network is essential for referrals and building trust with clients. Investing time in growing your network is key to career success, with business cards for realtors. Quality business cards reflect your professionalism and enhance your credibility. Incorporating elements like professional headshots and clear contact details ensures a lasting impression on prospective clients. Whether through traditional paper cards or digital solutions like KADO’s, investing in quality cards is crucial for standing out in the competitive real estate market. With the right design and messaging, your business card becomes a powerful tool for generating leads and closing deals.


How can real estate agents gain more referrals? 

You can gain more referrals through agent networking, which will help establish professional relationships that allow for both buyer and seller referrals through a trusted agent. 

Digital business cards are eco-friendly, easy to share, and allow your contacts to store your information in their address book instantly. 

What should new real estate agents do to kickstart their career?

To grow their business, new real estate agents should create a realistic marketing strategy, ask friends and family for referrals, and frequent local business meetups. 

Should realtors be on social media? 

Yes! Your online presence should be a priority. Not only will it help you gain more contacts, but it will help generate leads without much legwork, as well as build your credibility as a leader of your industry. 

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  • Eine digitale Visitenkarte ist eine moderne und virtuelle Möglichkeit, Ihre Kontaktdaten sofort per QR-Code, NFC oder einem einfachen Link zu teilen. Im Gegensatz zu physischen Visitenkarten können digitale Visitenkarten in Echtzeit aktualisiert werden, interaktive Elemente enthalten und sind umweltfreundlicher.

  • Ihre digitale Visitenkarte sollte Ihren vollständigen Namen, Ihre Position, den Namen Ihres Unternehmens sowie wichtige Kontaktdaten wie E-Mail-Adresse und Telefonnummer enthalten. Sie können außerdem Links zu Ihren sozialen Netzwerken, Kommunikationskanälen wie WhatsApp oder Calendly, personalisierte Buttons und sogar Videoinhalte hinzufügen. Mit KADO können Sie Ihre Karte vollständig anpassen, einschließlich Farben, Logos und Unternehmensbranding.

  • Ja! KADO bietet eine kostenlose Version, mit der Sie Ihre Karte von Grund auf gestalten, Links hinzufügen und sie digital teilen können. Der kostenlose Plan enthält grundlegende Funktionen, während erweiterte Anpassungsoptionen wie Farbschemata und Premium-Integrationen in den kostenpflichtigen Tarifen verfügbar sind. Sie können hier kostenlos Ihre digitale Visitenkarte erstellen.

  • Jede digitale Visitenkarte von KADO enthält automatisch einen QR-Code, der gescannt werden kann, um Ihre Informationen sofort zu teilen. Sie können Ihren QR-Code in der App unter dem Tab „Austausch“ oder über Ihr Webprofil finden. Weitere Informationen zur Erstellung einer digitalen Visitenkarte mit QR-Code finden Sie auf unserer Website.

  • Es gibt viele Optionen, aber KADO hebt sich durch seine einzigartigen Funktionen und unternehmensfreundlichen Lösungen hervor:

    • Unterstützt Videos, personalisierte Buttons und Links – selbst in der kostenlosen Version.
    • Integriert sich nativ mit HubSpot, Salesforce und Microsoft Dynamics zur effizienten Kontaktverwaltung.
    • Bietet vollständige Designanpassung, einschließlich Farben, Logos und Unternehmensbranding.
    • Entwickelt für Unternehmen mit erweiterten Sicherheitsfunktionen, rollenbasierter Zugriffskontrolle und einem intuitiven Admin-Dashboard zur Verwaltung digitaler Visitenkarten für Teams.

  • Ja, absolut. KADO legt großen Wert auf Sicherheit, indem es verschlüsselten Cloud-Speicher, rollenbasierte Zugriffskontrolle und die Entfernung öffentlicher IPs verwendet, die Ihre Daten gefährden könnten. Darüber hinaus erfüllt KADO die höchsten Sicherheitsstandards, einschließlich SOC 2 und GDPR, um Ihre geschäftlichen und persönlichen Informationen jederzeit zu schützen.

  • Ja! KADO wurde speziell für Unternehmen entwickelt und bietet Lösungen, die sich an Teams jeder Größe anpassen lassen. Es ermöglicht eine zentrale Verwaltung von Kontakten, eine unternehmensweite Verteilung von Visitenkarten und rollenbasierte Berechtigungen, um sensible Unternehmensdaten zu schützen. Administratoren können alle digitalen Visitenkarten über ein benutzerfreundliches Dashboard verwalten.

  • KADO bietet NFC-fähige digitale Visitenkarten, mit denen Sie Ihre Kontaktdaten sofort teilen können, indem Sie Ihre Karte einfach an ein kompatibles Smartphone halten. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Visitenkarten entfällt das Scannen von QR-Codes oder die manuelle Eingabe von Kontaktdaten. Sie können Ihre NFC-Visitenkarte direkt auf unserer Website anfordern.

  • Nein, KADO funktioniert nahtlos auf mobilen und Desktop-Browsern, sodass Sie Ihre Karte teilen können, ohne eine App herunterladen zu müssen. Für zusätzliche Funktionen bietet KADO jedoch eine mobile App, mit der Sie Ihre Karte in einer digitalen Wallet speichern, schnell auf Ihren QR-Code zugreifen und Ihre Karte sogar offline teilen können.

  • Sie können Ihre digitale Visitenkarte von KADO auf verschiedene Weise teilen und so einfach mit anderen in Kontakt treten. Die häufigsten Methoden sind das Anzeigen Ihres QR-Codes zum Scannen, das Teilen Ihres individuellen Links per E-Mail oder Nachricht oder die Verwendung einer NFC-Karte. Das Beste daran: Der Empfänger benötigt keine App, um Ihre Kontaktdaten zu empfangen oder zu speichern.

  • Ja, KADO bietet CRM-Integrationen, um Ihre Arbeitsabläufe zu optimieren. Die KADO-CRM-Integrationen umfassen HubSpot, Salesforce und Microsoft Dynamics, sodass Sie Kontakte synchronisieren und Interaktionen automatisch verfolgen können. Darüber hinaus ist KADO mit Zapier kompatibel, was die Integration mit über 100 weiteren Tools ermöglicht.

  • Ja! Wenn Sie Ihre digitalen Visitenkarten in Ihrer mobilen Wallet oder als Widgets auf Ihrem Gerät gespeichert haben, können Sie Ihre Kontaktdaten auch ohne Internetverbindung weitergeben. So sind Sie immer bereit für Networking-Möglichkeiten, egal ob auf Veranstaltungen, im Flugzeug oder in Gegenden mit schlechter Netzabdeckung.

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